Saturday, December 20, 2014

Scientifically love is insanity!!

At any given point in time, the creatures we refer to as human beings can, and do, cycle through dozens of emotions ranging from intense desire to dark, over whelming anger.  It's amazing!!  We are so complex and diverse.

Take, for instance, an intelligent woman who is suffering (yes, that IS the correct term) from the first bloom of NEW LOVE.  This woman was, until recently, a driven, single minded person who was focused on creating the life she has always wanted.  She has been to the depths of hell in previous situations, she has suffered and she has come back all the stronger for it.  She is WOMAN, hear her ROAR!!

Then, out of the blue, Cupid, the diaper wearing little demon, decides to shoot this wonderful, independent woman in the ass with one of his little poison darts of chaos!  Cupid decides that this woman would be better off if she were suffering from the insanity that is NEW LOVE.

So with the twang of a bow string, he sets into motion a complex and confusing array of emotions.  This once intelligent, respected, driven woman becomes, in a matter of days, a starry eyed school girl who has forgotten the battles she has waged in order to become an independent woman.

Her heart races, her palms sweat, she is restless and totally obsessed with this one man, this one beautiful, loving, devoted man.  You watch her and you see the same signs and symptoms of addiction you would witness if you were watching a drug addict!

She, like a druggie, ignores her responsibilities, doesn't have time to spend with friends/family, can't concentrate on anything, anyone, other than that one wonderful man.  She spends her every waking moment thinking about him, being with him or making plans to be with him.  She is obsessed to the point of distraction.   All because a little arrow shooting psychopath decided to screw with her life!!

The illusion of Cupid shooting an arrow at a person and causing them to fall in love (have you ever noticed we call it FALL in love, there is a reason for that you know!) and forget who they are is actually a good one.  Blaming it on outside influences is valid, especially when you consider what takes place in a human body during the first days of a new love.

Humans, particularly women, release an overabundance of chemicals when they first fall in love.  These chemicals are addictive and can be destructive.

So here is the explanation for our behaviors when that psycho Cupid uses our asses for his poison dart practice.

First there is the LUST phase of love.  During this time, when we want to tear each other's clothes off and go at it like addled teenage rabbits, our bodies are releasing  testosterone and estrogen.  This happens to men and women both.  These two hormones should be called WHOREMOANS because they are essentially the street walkers of body chemistry!  They have so many responsibilities in the bodies, yet all they can think of is humping like rabbits!!

Once these streetwalker hormones have us hooked on the amazing feelings we get at this point in the "relationship" our bodies decide to move on to Phase TWO of this heinous plan of Cupid's!

Phase two involves four main neurotransmitters called adrenaline, cortisol, dopamine and serotonin.  This lovely little chemical cocktail causes us to basically act like obsessed idiots with no clue of what may happen next.

You see, it's like this, first falling in love activates our stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol.  This little mixture is responsible for the pitter-pat of our hearts, the sweat that soaks our palms and the flush that colors our cheeks whenever we are in proximity of our love.  Keep in mind that adrenaline is also what enables a mother to lift a car from her trapped child or the 90 lb weakling to kick the ass of the big, bad bully!  It increases your breathing and your heart rate, sometimes to disastrous levels!   Cortisol treats skin rashes and allergic reactions, it can (and does) also lead to depression, heart disease and high blood sugar.  Hmmmmm, sounds like a killer combination doesn't it?  Awwww, love.......

Dopamine, that lovely little neurotransmitter, stimulates the "desire and reward" part of our brains.  It causes those afflicted with the love bug to have less need for sleep or food, increased energy, focused attention (think obsessed) and a rush of exquisite delight in the smallest details of our newly hatched relationship.  Dopamine has the same effect on the brain as snorting the best cocaine you can find!!  Sounds fun, don't it?!?!

Then there is Serotonin.  Awwww, little Serotonin!  Here is the chemical that is responsible for the temporary insanity that is New Love.  Yup, this little gem is the reason we can't focus on anything other than that perfect man we  have so luckily found.  This one causes us to become so single minded that we forget our friends and loved ones, as well as slack off at work, daydream during meetings and forget to close the front door of our apartment.  Too much serotonin can cause everything from diarrhea to seizures and too little causes everything from depression and anxiety to irritability and rage.  People who suffer with OCD have too little serotonin.  That explains the obsession part of New Love, right?

Finally we have reached Phase Three of Falling in Love.  In this phase we are releasing yet two more hormones, only these two little ditties are the ones responsible for wanting to stay "forever".  You see, now that our bodies have us addicted to all those feel good hormones, now it wants us to stay right here and suffer for infinity!

Oxytocin one of the chemicals that is released during the human orgasm.  It deepens the attraction and makes us feel more "connected" to the one we are with.  It causes us to want to cuddle.  It is also the hormone that causes a mother to form such a strong bond of attachment with the child she has given birth to.
Research has shown that if the production of oxytocin is blocked the mother will reject her young!!  It's a strong little bugger.  It has been known as the "trust hormone".  Yup, that is a lot of responsibility to but on one little chemical compound!!

Vasopressin is also a sexually released hormone.  Only this one is releases AFTER sex!  It is an important hormone is long term commitment.  This one, oddly, controls the kidneys not the heart!  LOL  Imagine that, the KIDNEYS!!  Yup, those organs use the same hormones to produce urine that the mind uses to form emotional bonds!  LOL  Sorry, I just find that entirely too funny!!  It would be even better if it was the hormone that controls the large intestines, but .....anyway.

So there you have it.  A proven, scientific reason for the insanity of the previously mentioned woman.  She has every reason to act like she does, it is beyond her control!!  LOL

Cupid, that heinous little shit, dips his arrows not in poison but in a potentially deadly mixture of human hormones.  He is not a sweet little diaper wearing cherub, but a mad scientist bent on the continuation of mankind.

There should be an bounty on his head!!

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