Thursday, December 25, 2014

Human beings can ruin anything…..

You know, I’ve always enjoyed this particular time of year.  I don’t care if you can it Christmas or Yule, The Day of Enlightenment or Saturnalia or Yule, Hanukkah or nothing at all.  I will wish you a Merry Christmas or simply say Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings.  What I say has nothing to do you with and whether or not I know which particular path you have chosen to the Divine, it has to do with ME and how I feel at that moment.

I get sick to death of the entire Politically Correct bullshit!!  When I say Merry Christmas I MEAN SOMETHING GOOD FOR YOU, I don’t mean to insult you or your belief system!  And if you want the truth of the matter, I could NOT care less which particular religion you are, IT IS NOT MY BUSINESS, IT IS BETWEEN YOU AND THE DIVINE, NOT YOU AND ME.  My approval of your beliefs shouldn't matter one whit, any more than your approval of mine.

I have people that I care about, some that I care about very deeply, that twist themselves in knots when I include them in any of my season’s enjoyment.  They will usually start with, “You know that….” and end with something equally as condescending.  They miss the entire point that I care enough to even include them in my hope for this season.  They seem to take for granted that I intended on offending them in some manner.
Well, here’s the truth of it.  I am physically and emotionally incapable of giving less of a shit about you being offended by my well wishes for you.  If you can’t get past the “I’m Offended” and realize that I, usually a complete stranger to you, but sometimes a person you should know well, have a desire to see you be blessed with happiness, health, peace and enjoyment, then perhaps I should say “Shitty day to you” or “Screw you” when I see you or if I perhaps send you a card.

Perhaps I should be as offended by all of you.  I should get on my soapbox and shout to the world, “The well wishes of these people offend me.  I am not of their particular brand of religion so the fact that they use the name of their particular Deity to bless me offends me and sends me into spasms of indignation.  I want to sue the entire world, because NONE of you believe exactly like I do and I am offended by that fact as well.  I don’t want ANYONE to wish ANYONE else a happy, blessed, merry, or any other adjective day!!!”
Perhaps I should jump on the bandwagon of the offended.  Because you can bet your ass that I get offended at the stupidity and self-importance that is running rampant at this time of year.  I get offended that you DARE send me messages because I have posted to MY OWN DAMN FACEBOOK PAGE, about the route of Santa Claus.  I am offended that you DARE take something I do for the kids and turn it into some politically/religiously offensive thing!!  HOW DARE YOU!!

I don’t care if you associate this season with the Christian God or with a Pagan God, or if you associate it with a Popsicle stick!!  When I wish you a Merry Christmas it is my way of saying, I wish  you well, I hope you find peace and love.  It is NOT I hope you are a Christian and if not I hope you become one!
I spend this season alone, not surrounded by friends and family.  I will sit here, by myself, and do whatever I need to.  I don’t have a tree, I don’t have presents, I don’t have people to enjoy the community with.  These past few years have been tougher on me than any of you realize, but I AM STILL HERE!!  I am still able to care about my fellow human being and wish them well.

So while you sit in your  house, eating your dinner and opening your gifts, or while you tramp around outside hunting for that big buck or while you  play your computer games or watch your television, REMEMBER, there are people out here that have NOTHING left to offer but GOOD WISHES to you and yours.  There are those of us that can’t do the usual things that people do this time of year, but we CAN and we DO hope you are surrounded by love and peace.

So get offended when I say Merry Christmas.  Jump on your soapbox when I say Happy Holidays.  Jump up and down when I say Season Greetings  You’re not hurting anyone except yourself.

Now that I've spouted off and gotten all of this off my chest, I am going to crawl back under the covers and go back to sleep, secure in the knowledge that I have no ill will toward any of you.  I truly do wish nothing but good for all of you.

Be offended by that!

Merry Christmas!!

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