Thursday, March 26, 2015

It’s good to be Queen…..

Here we go, another installment of Nearly Departed.  If you’ve been following the story you know that things are changing for our little ghoul, Lisa.  But she’s not the only one who is experience some upheavals in existence.

Across town a battle raged.  Chairs broke and glass shattered. 
Lucifer was unhappy.  And when Lucifer is unhappy there was literal hell to pay.
“Sit down!”  Momma Fred said in a deadpan voice.  “You’re making things worse with your bullshit right now.  I don’t have time to deal with your tender emotions.”
Lucifer whirled to face her.  His looked insane, his hair stood on end, foam flecked his lips and his eyes were red rimmed and bright.  Gone was the immaculately dressed business man, in his place stood a crazed serial killer deprived of his victim.  He glared at Fred, hatred gleaming in his eyes as he lapping the blood from her gutted corpse.
“Sit down?  You want me to sit down?”  Sarcasm dripped from his dead voice, “Should I tidy up the place first, or does her majesty want me to sit on the floor at her feet?”
His sarcasm only served to fan the flame of anger in Fred’s breast.  He thought he was so important, so powerful, and here he was, taken down a few notches by a living, breathing ghoul.  A creature that had never before existed had simply walked in and batted her big, blue eyes and the big, bad hard-ass that was always in control simply vanished, leaving behind a pitiful example of a smitten male.  If it wasn’t for the fact that they were both screwed, blued and tattooed, she would have laughed.  Seeing Mr. Wall Street badass lose his shit was at the very top of her bucket list.
It’s good to be Queen Shit from time to time.
“Just sit down, Lucy.  We have to make some plans.”  Fred’s voice didn’t betray the satisfaction she felt in seeing him such an emotional mess.   “Death has her now, and we have to get her back before he takes her back.”
It hadn’t been easy to get a life, a new, fresh, unlived life to give to Lisa.  Of course the stupid girl had no idea what she possessed, if she did she could destroy them all and leave the world in rubble, but she had no idea.  She was such an easily controlled little thing, always had been. 
From the first moment Fred laid eyes on the silly girl, she had begun to formulate a plan.  Thirty years of planning and maneuvering, of plotting and taking outrageous risk, all for nothing.  If she could blast that idiot Death back to hell for his interference she would. 
But of course, that was an impossibility.  Not to mention the shit storm of death it would cause.
So here they were, attempting to get a modicum of control over the situation.
While Fred had been pondering the events that led to their current situation, Lucifer had been composing himself.  His full lips were no longer specked with foam and his hair was once again perfectly coiffed.  He looked every bit the businessman that he pretended to be.
“Let me get this straight”, he began as he paced across the room, “you ‘accidently’ sprinkled the sandwich you gave her with a new, unlived life, which caused her to become, for lack of another explanation, a ‘real girl’ once again.  Do I have the correct?”
Even when he attempted to be decent he was still a bastard of the purest form.
“Yes.”  She said.  “I thought I had grabbed some preservative to help keep her from deteriorating worse.  She’d refused to eat human meat, or any type of meat for that matter.  Those wretched salads were just hurrying her decomposing.”
Lisa always had been a problem child.
“So, you’re saying it was an accident that our little puppet is now a living, breathing human?”  Lucifer repeated.
Fred toyed with the truth.  If he knew what Lisa had become it could be disastrous.
“She’s not actually human.” Fred decided a little bit of truth make it easier to hide the facts of the matter.  “She’s something else, she’s still dead, but not dead dead.”
“Not ‘dead dead’!!  What the fuck does that mean?”  Lucifer was on the verge of losing it again.  “What exactly is not ‘dead dead’?”
“Well, her heart is beating, she’s breathing and she doesn’t have to munch on humans to keep from turning into a stinking rotting bag of meat.  That’s what not dead dead means.”  Fred was getting aggravated.  She couldn’t tell him what Lisa had become, but she couldn’t lie about the situation either.  She had to keep the most important tidbit about Lisa’s new existence from ever coming to light.  “I’m not really sure what she is, but she’s not a ghoul or a zombie, she’s not a human either.  She’s something else.”
Lucifer stopped in his tracks.  He realized what Lisa had become, but he knew if Fred knew he knew, he would have no control over the outcome of this royal fuck up.
“So, she’s no longer one of yours, and she’s not one of mine, so she is up for grabs.  Is that what you’re telling me?”  Lucifer knew he needed to act ignorant of the importance of the situation. 
“I suppose you could put it that way.  But I think she’s still under my control to a certain extent.”  Fred wasn’t sure, but she sure as hell didn’t want him to know that.  “I just need to talk to her.  Once she hears my voice she should be easy to control.”
Yeah, right.
“Should be?”  Lucifer asked.  “She should be easy to control, but she might not be, right?”
“Maybe.” Fred hated to admit any more than she absolutely had to.  She realized she was on thin ice right now, and any misstep would draw her under.
“I guess we’ll never know if Death continues to hide her from us, now will we?”  The fact that the sucker of human souls had managed to hide not only himself, but Lisa as well rankled him.  No one had ever been able to hide from Lucifer before.  Oh a few had given him a little trouble in locating them, but no one had ever completely disappeared from his view.
“How is it that he can hide from you?”  Fred couldn’t help but to prod that sore point just a little.  “I thought you had eyes on every creature that exist.  Did something change?”
“No, nothing’s changed”, Lucifer mocked.  “I just haven’t found him yet, but I will.  Oh yes, I will and when I do….”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll go all big bad on him.”  Fred was tired of hearing his threats.  They both knew he could do nothing to Death, and more importantly, Death knew it as well.  “I’ve heard you bitch and rant all night, and I’m sick of it.   We have more important things to deal with than whatever games you want to play on Skeletor.”
Fred was always coming up with not so nice names for people.  It was one of her more annoying habits, that and zapping people only to reanimate them under her control.  She was a cold bitch, but she could be funny sometimes.
Lucifer bit his tongue, the last thing he needed right now was a feud with the Voodoo Queen.  And she was definitely be a Queen, in every sense of the word.  From what he had heard ‘she’ was actually a ‘he’ or at least partly.  He’d never wanted to get under her robes, but he’d heard from more than a few of the multitude that had made that journey.  And a long, strange trip it turned out to be for them.
He sat down in the comfort of his expensive desk chair.  The leather cradled him, leeching the tension from his tight, tense muscles.  Taking a deep breath, he sank deeper into the comfortable chair.  Momma Fred was still rambling on, her voice as irritating as the buzzing of a wasp. 
“LUCIFER!”  Fred’s voice was as sharp as a dagger.  “You’re not listening to a word I’m saying!  Get your shit together boy!”
Lucifer stiffened at being called ‘boy’.  Fred knew that it was a hot point with him, and she used it each and every opportunity she could.
“What!”  Lucifer allowed some of his anger to seep into his voice.  He’d had about all he could take of this old, decrepit….
“Don’t think I didn’t hear that!  Just because you didn’t allow it to leave your mouth doesn’t mean it didn’t reach my ears!”   Fred’s voice was low and tight with suppressed rage.  Of all the Supernaturals in creation, only Lucifer knew her true age and what was hidden beneath the glamour that dazzled the rest of the world.  “I will take you down a notch or two, BOY, and you know that I am capable of it.”
The threat was a real one, he knew from hard experience that Fred was not to be trifled with.  She was a creature of immense power who controlled more of the Supernatural world than any other being.  Even Lucifer’s father, Satan, feared the Voodoo Queen.  And that spoke volumes, no one caused Satan to tremble in fear other than the Creator and this creature before him.
“I’m going home.  You can sit here and stew for the rest of the night, but I have things to do."  Without waiting for him to answer, Momma Fred flounced out of the room, leaving Lucifer to pout about the unfairness of life.

I hope you’re enjoying the story so far!  I love to hear from y’all, so please, take a moment to leave me a comment below, or email me at
I’ll be back soon with another installment of Nearly Departed!


  1. Love it! You can almost hear momma Fred yelling at Lucifer!! This allows you to imagine different things. Very descriptive!
