Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stalking or just "very interested".....

Once upon a time, if someone was following you around, hanging around outside your house and/or place of work, calling your house late at night and doing the heavy breathing thing or just generally following you around, it was called stalking!

Now, however, they can find your house on GOOGLE MAPS, see an actual picture of it on GOOGLE EARTH and download a topo map on DIGITAL-TOPO-MAPS.COM so they can figure out the best place to hide while they watch your house. They can follow you on TWITTER, FACEBOOK, MYSPACE and GOOGLE PLUS. They can make their late night, heavy breathing calls from GMAIL using the phone call options, and you'll never know where the call is coming from. They can do a background search on INTELIUS and know everything there is to know about you. They can stalk you from afar!! WTF???

It was bad enough when some crazed maniac could randomly pick some poor, defenseless person to try to drive insane!! Now they can choose from millions!! They can assign us all numbers and use a NUMBER GENERATOR to choose which one to bother on what days!!

Have we all gone insane?? I mean, I believe in freedom on information, but damn, do you really need to look up my address and then GOOGLE a picture of the structure so you can find it as you drive aimlessly around doing nothing??

It actually scares the shit out of me that someone who has NEVER been to my house knows when I rearrange my living room!! HOW did they know?? WHY do they care??

I can't believe that there is some cosmic alarm that sounds every time I move a piece of furniture or take the dogs out to run!! Is there an alarm on my commode seat as well?? Do you know every time I take a piss or should I just post it on line to keep you informed??

I'm a pretty boring person. I lead a mostly boring life. Hell, the highlight of my week was going to the DOLLAR GENERAL for trash bags!! Yeah, I post stupid, sometimes insulting, stuff on FACEBOOK, I have several blogs and I talk trash at times. So what?? Does that mean you have to keep an eye on me like I'm in ALKITA or something?? I'M AN AMERICAN AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!!!

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you know me and you want to know what is going on in my life....ASK ME!! If you know me, chances are you already know where I live, or at least sort of, and you don't have to look up my address and GOOGLE my house!!

If you don't know me LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!! Cyber stalking is NOT the way to win friends!!! It's scary, it's annoying and it really, really, really makes me want to hit you in the face with a metal chair!!!!!

Well, I'm going to sign off of here now and go do some domestic torture!! (see I WILL tell you what I'm doing, you don't have to lurk around like some type of vulture waiting for a body to stop moving!!!)

Friday, October 14, 2011

GOSSIP and other sins of ignorant people......

Merriam-Webster defines gossip as:

1: a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
2: rumor or report of an intimate nature
a chatty talk
the subject matter of gossip defines gossip as:

1. idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars.
light, familiar talk or writing.
3. Also, gos·sip·er, gos·sip·per. a person given to tattling or idle talk.

The Free Dictionary defines gossip as:

1. casual and idle chat to have a gossip with a friend
2. a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about other people a gossip about the neighbors
3. Also called gossip-monger a person who habitually talks about others, esp maliciously
4. light easy communication to write a letter full of gossip

I define gossip as:

Bullshit people say about others because their own lives are so damn boring that they have to have something to talk about!!

So, if you haven't already figured it out, I am sick and tired of hearing the bullshit rumors, some of which are about me, that are flying around this wonderful (yes, that's sarcasm) county of ours.

Do you people NOT have something more interesting to do than try and make up stories about others???

If you're going to make up something, at the very least you could PLEASE make up something that an intelligent person would do. Now, I realize that for the gossiping idiots around here it would be a difficult task to come up with something an intelligent person would have to be an intelligent person in order to know what another intelligent person would do, so most of the gossips around here are left out of the loop!


I have friends, BOTH male and female friends! I go places with them, I talk to them on the phone and on the computer....hell I even hang out with some of them on a regular basis!! DOESN'T MEAN I'M SCREWING THEM!!! It means I enjoy their company, it means we have things in common, it means I LIKE THEM!!

What is also means is that I PITY the idiots that have to make more of it than what it is! GET A LIFE!! You may just find out that there are people out there that YOU like and that like YOU!! You may just find people to hang out with, to talk to, to enjoy being around.....DOES THAT MEAN YOU'LL BE SCREWING THEM??? NO, IT DOES NOT!!!

I know that I shouldn't let it bother me, I realize that other peoples small minds actually have nothing what so ever to do with me....but it still hurts. If these people, the ones that are running their mouths, knew me at all, they would realize what their idle gossip is doing.

The definitions that were left out of all the dictionaries I went to is the following:

1. a vile attempt to cause another to think less of themselves than they should.
2. the spreading of rumors that cause more damage to those that believe them than they do the the subject of the rumors.

Monday, October 10, 2011

OMG...what the hell is going on???

Will someone explain something to me?

WHY do grown ass woman slap on enough makeup to keep a clown college in business for year, dress in shirts/dresses that are 2 sizes too small and then take a picture of themselves and post it on FACEBOOK??? And by grown ass women I mean females over the age of 30, women who are under 30 but have more 4 or more children (some of which already have children!!) and women of unknown age that look like they have been preserved in formaldehyde and only recently allowed out of the jar!!

Damn, don’t y’all realize that you look like “lot lizards”… you even know what a lot lizard is? Do you care?? Then again, some of you couldn't even make it as a lot lizard!

I saw a few profile pictures this evening and the only thing I could think of was that these “poses” were for some strange online red light district…..or else these women are TOTALLY BLIND!! If you don’t look good in a size 12, chances are good that you’re not going to look any better in a size 8 or a 6! You look like an over stuffed sausage casing…..not to mention the colors on/around your eyes….some colors SHOULD NOT BE FOUND ON A HUMAN BODY WHILE IT IS STILL BREATHING!!!

LOOK IN THE MIRROR! PLEASE? If there are colors that have never been seen in nature on your face........I may be talking about you! If you blink and have to struggle to get your eyelid to open back up.....I may be talking about you!! If you are wearing your 6 year old daughter's shirt.....I may be talking about you!!

I understand wanting to be attractive, honestly I do! But when you have to use a spatula to put on your makeup or use WD40 to put on a shirt, ATTRACTIVE is NOT the effect you will get! If anything you look like more of a loser than you actually are!!

I used to enjoy getting on FACEBOOK and chatting with friends, playing games and posting stupid shit. Hell, I still enjoy the games and the posting of stupid shit, but the chatting is all turning into cyber sex! WHY would I talk to someone in a sexual way if I wouldn't speak to them if I met them on the street??

And what the hell is up with the guys these days? I always knew men were whore dogs...but damn, when someone that is SUPPOSE to be your friend won't speak to you because he's trying to "get lucky" when some FB whore, well I guess you realize who the FRIENDS are and who the IDIOTS are!

I can NOT believe that these people are so GULLIBLE!! Most of these women couldn't make $20 standing on a corner, well, not unless some smart asses (like me) came by and threw pennies at them.....not saying that I ever DID something as low as throw pennies at whores.....but I'm NOT denying it either!

If you need a "friend" ~wink wink~ that badly, at least choose someone that you KNOW or at least know of, not someone that is only words on a page and a few badly taken photos!! And be realistic when you use the word "Beautiful", okay?? I realize that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but many blind men are there???

Okay, I'm done.....well at least for now. Sorry to have spewed all of this out. If you have a Facebook page....check out some of the profile'll understand! Then again, you might see your picture and think "DAMN! I didn't realize I looked like that!"


Sunday, October 9, 2011 wasn't enough

Well, the title of this blog is "Negotiable insanity and other nonsense" which is perfect because I didn't think it was enough to have just ONE blog, NO, not ME.....I decided to do TWO! That is an example of Negotiable insanity!!

If you've gotten this far, you may have noticed that in my interest I put "teaching cats to sew". Well, there is a reason for that, although it may not make any sense to anyone but me. You see, I have a cat, actually I have three cats, but who's counting?? Anyway, this one cat, Tiver, is, well, I guess the polite way to put it is "mentally handicapped" or the not so polite way would be simply to tell you that this cat is "not right"!!


I love yellow ginger kitties! You know what I mean, the yellow tiger striped cats that have the glorious golden eyes! Tiver, the subject of this particular post, came to me by way of a lovely young lady named Lexi. Lexi and her family live on the same street, in the same small town, where I had, until recently, resided. Lexi looked at me with her big blue eyes and said, "Miss Teri, will you take Tiver? I know you will give her a good home." Then these little tears started welling up in her eyes and the rest is history!

You've heard of "water dogs" well, Tiver is a "Water cat". She, unlike most cats, LOVES water! You can find her at various times either sitting in the sink or, if you've leave the lid up, the commode! Yes, the cat sits IN not on the toilet!! Rain doesn't bother her, neither do baths or showers or being sprayed with the water bottle (that is, unless you sound mean when you do it).

She also loves sitting on the top of doors so she can bat you on the head when you walk by. She sleeps with the dogs, plays with her food and refuses to come when you say "Kitty, kitty, kitty". All of this is cute, isn't it??

Well, the cuteness ends when Tiver finds a piece of cloth. Any piece of cloth will do, the curtains, my socks or, her personal favorite, the shower curtain. I have had to replace more shower curtains since I've gotten this stupid cat than I have ever bought in the previous 40 years!!!

You see, she doesn't PLAY with cloth, she shreds it! She picks it, she snags it, she rips it....and if all else fails she will on occasion piss on it!! The cat is a menace!! She doesn't only bother anything cloth that may be laying around, NO, not HER.....she likes to attack the cloth that is on your body, never mind that her little claws will sink in deeper than most hypodermic needles. She will slash at your socks when you walk by, not at your ankles, NO, if you walk by "sockless" she will ignore you. Pointedly! She will hang from the cuffs of your pants or, if you are really unlucky like me, your shorts!

She will shred a shower curtain in under three minutes. Not the plastic part that hangs inside the tub, not her, just the pretty cloth part that adds flare to the bathroom.

She will climb curtains with the speed and dexterity of a spider monkey in it's natural habitat!

She will search out and destroy random socks with such precision that it would shame most Bomb squad experts!!

She will carry dish towels in her mouth and hide them like a squirrel finding and hiding nuts for a long hard winter!

The cat is cloth crazy!

She's a good hunter, although she insist on bringing live mice into not only the bedroom, but MY BED!! (It's a funny story.....check it out here. It's near the bottom of the page.)

She's cute! She looks so innocent! She's such a "dear"......yeah right, and Hitler was a little maladjusted!!

Well, I took a little break from composing this to check out the bathtub drain. If you're wondering what I mean by that, check out this link for my other blog and the entire leaky pipes saga! (Yes, I am shamelessly promoting my other blog, so sue me....not that you'd get much, but you can try!!)

Since the drain didn't seem to be leaking, I decided to take a bath....not a shower, but an actual bath! I ran my water, standing watch over the tub the entire time in case some water decided to invade the bathroom carpeting again, undressed and got into the tub. I soaked, I scrubbed, I shampooed and conditioned. the only thing I forgot was to CLOSE THE BATHROOM DOOR!!

Tiver had been sleeping peacefully on top of a few of the boxes that I have as yet not unpacked. She was kitty snoring and dreaming whatever demented dreams a cloth obsessed cat dreams. I figured it was safe to bath while the little "angel" was sleeping......boy was I wrong.

Do you have any idea how much cat hair will stick to a wet, naked human body? I do, and let me tell you, it's a lot!!

You see, Tiver decided that she should help me she dived, not stepped, not jumped, not even sprang, but literally DOVE into the tub. Then, she began rubbing her wet cat hair an any and all reachable parts of my body. Needless to say, it didn't end well! There is a damp kitty trail leading under my bed, where Tiver is now licking herself so that every remaining hair is back in it's original place. I had to shower in order to get the "non-remaing" hair off of wouldn't believe how much hair that was. then I had to wash out the tub, TWICE, in order to get rid of all the Tiver left-overs!! When that was done I had to sop up the wet cat trail and throw too many towels in the wash.

I'm finally beginning to understand why people think that cats are EVIL!!

Well, I'm out of here. Time to see how hig the sleeping dogs with jump when I start the vacuum.

I'll blame it on the cat!!