Thursday, March 31, 2016

Twisted threads

“Sister? Sister, are you awake?” A quiet voice interrupted visions of death and blood. “Sister, I know you are awake.”

Lisa’s jaw clenched. That voice, she knew that voice. And she had hoped to never hear it again. It belonged to her sister, Lethe, the goddess of forgetfulness. The bitch that had taken all of her memories and left her an empty shell.

“Don’t touch me!” Lisa growled as a hand gently caressed her back. “Get away from me before I do something we will both regret.”

Lethe continued to rub her sister’s back. She knew that no matter how angry her little sister became, there was nothing she could do to her or any of the other siblings. That was one of the limits their grandmother, Nyx, had put on each of them at birth. Nyx was a wise woman, she knew that each of the fifteen half siblings were capable of destroying the others and she would never allow one of her blood to kill another of her blood. Being a primordial deity her power had no limitations, so what Nyx wanted, Nyx got.

Lisa sprang up from the bed, her eyes flashing red. She knew she could not cause her sister physical damage, but she damn sure cause her pain. The look on Lethe’s face caused Lisa’s anger and pain to disappear. Love shone from Lethe’s eyes. Love was something Lisa had not experienced in years, and seeing her sister look at her with such a gentle emotion caused something inside her to let go.

“Why, Lee, why did you take my memories of him?” Lisa didn’t attempt to hide the tears that glistened in her eyes. “His memory was the only thing I had left and you took it. You left me utterly alone.”

Lethe stood and wrapped her arms around her little sister. There was nothing she could do to right the wrong she had done to her, but she could try to comfort her, try to explain to her why it had to be done.

“I had to, baby girl. I had no choice.” Lethe’s voice broke with emotion. “If I hadn’t you would have caused the destruction of us all.”

“You could have let me die.” Lisa’s voice was rough with defeat. “You could have let them destroy me as they did my children.”

“Baby girl!” Lethe cried, “Your children were not destroyed, they could not BE destroyed. They are the blood of Nyx, as are we. Nothing other than our grandmother can destroy us.”

Lisa stepped back stunned. Her children were alive? All of this had been for nothing?

“They live?” Lisa whispered. “They live and yet you did this to me? You took my memories, my power, my life. You allowed me to be turned into a monster that could only survive on human flesh. YOU LET MY NOSE FALL OFF!!”

‘Her nose fall off?’, thought Lethe. ‘What is she….’

Lethe never had time to finish the thought as Lisa’s fist caught her in the chin and knocked her out cold.

“I can’t believe that bitch would do this to me.” Lisa’s ranting and raving voice was the first thin Lethe heard, followed by the sounds of breaking glass and furniture being upset. “Let me be turned in to that, that THING. Let me think my children are dead, take every good and decent thing I’ve ever had away from me. THAT BITCH!”

Another resounding crash followed, then more cursing and muttering as Lisa destroyed Lethe’s rooms.

Bounding to her feet, Lethe staggered as the room spun. It could not be said that her little sister couldn’t throw a punch that much was for certain. Squinting her eyes in an attempt to stop the room from spinning, Lethe staggered toward the sitting room.

“Aite Lisaria! Stop that NOW!” Lethe’s own voice made her wince in pain. Damn, she hadn’t had a headache in centuries, she had forgotten how painful they truly were. “Calm down so I can tell you…”

A blinding pain laced her cheek. Lisa was standing right in front of her, her arm cocked to throw yet another punch.

“STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!” Darkness flared and a wave of power knocked down both women. Grandma Nyx had entered the building. “I HAVE HAD MY FILL OF YOU TWO!”

Lisa and Lethe found themselves pinned to the floor with invisible hands. They know it is useless to struggle, having tried that during the many times they had found themselves in similar positions as children. Lisa felt laughter begin to bubble in her chest as she realized the stupidity of her actions. Many times Grannyx, as they called their Grandmother, had told her that for a goddess she acted more like a stupid human.

The giggle that escaped Lisa’s lips caused a similar reaction in Lethe. She too had been remembering the times she and her baby sister had fought as children and the punishment that followed. Grannyx had been known to leave them pinned to the floor for days at a time, having forgotten about them after their squabbles ended.

“Grannyx, I’m so glad to see you!” Although Nyx hadn’t actually appeared yet, Lisa knew she could hear her. “I’d hug you if you’d just pop in and let us up.”

Another wave of inky black seeped into the room, glittering lights that were thousands of stars struggling to be born. A cool breeze wafted through the room, carrying the scent of night blooming jasmine. Lisa couldn’t help but stare in awe, as she had always done when her Grandmother made an appearance.

The pressure holding the women to the floor lessened as Nyx appeared in the middle of the room. Her long dark hair glittered with pinpoints of light, her black eyes blazed. Grannyx was angry and Lisa was sure she was angry at them.

“Grannyx! It’s so good to see you!!” Lisa attempted to keep her voice from quivering with fear. She loved her grandmother, but she feared her more. Nyx was one of only a few beings that could put an end to everything. Literally everything.

“Don’t try it, girl.” Nyx’s voice was soft but held a note of anger. “It’s been centuries since I’ve seen you and it’s not that I’m not glad, but damn it, you two are grown goddess’, it’s about time you act like it.”

Lisa turned her head to see that Lethe was looking at her. Both women were afraid they had gone too far, Lethe especially quivered in terror. Lisa held a special place in Nyx’s heart, and she had no idea what had been done to her favorite grandchild. Lethe wondered if she would survive once Nyx found out.

“And you”, Nyx said, looking directly at Lethe. “How could you be so stupid to get drawn into this mess? If you’d kept your powers to yourself, we wouldn’t be facing extinction.”

‘Extinction?’, Lethe thought. ‘Had it really gotten that far?’

“Oh Great Nyx, I beg your forgiveness.” Lethe begged. “I was a fool, I allowed my heart to rule my mind even though you always taught us to be stronger than that. Please tell me how I can make amends for the mistakes I have made.”

Lisa giggled. She loved it that her sister felt the need to beg for forgiveness, it made her feel better than knocking her out had. Glancing at Nyx, the giggle froze in her throat. Grannyx was pissed, and not just at Lethe. She was angry at Lisa as well.

“Get up, both of you.” Nyx said, her voice still hard with anger. “We need to have a nice long talk. Or rather I need to talk and the two of you need to listen.”

Nyx repaired the destruction around her with a glance, then walked to the couch and sat down. Patting the cushions next to her, she looked at the woman and said, “Come on. I won’t bite.”

Lisa and Lethe got to their feet, both woman weak from the pressure that had held them immobile. Cautiously approaching the couch, they sat down on each side of the angry Goddess. Neither could help but flinch when Nyx threw her arms around them.

“It is good to see you, my girls. It does my old heart good.” Nyx whispered, her voice breaking with emotion. “Aite, my darling, it’s been too long since I held you in my arms.”

Lisa was overcome with emotion. She should have known her grandmother loved her and wouldn’t cause her any real damage. She snuggled closer to Nyx and sighed. It was good to be home for a change.

“Now girls”, began Nyx, never release them from her arms, “you two have really gotten into a fix this time. It’s going to take all our considerable powers to straighten it out.”

“I don’t understand, Grannyx. What have we done?” Lisa whispered.

“You and your sister have wasted too much time because of men.” Nyx spat. “Love is not for the weak, and you’ve both been weak. Now we have to fix the damage or else I will be alone for all eternity.”

Lisa and Lethe both attempted to respond, only to find themselves mute. Apparently Nyx didn’t have time for their explanations.

“I don’t want to hear your excuses, and I won’t hear them.” Nyx stated bluntly. “It’s your turn to listen and learn the truth. Both of you.”

“Aite, when you pissed off that fool Zeus and he threw you to earth, I sent the Litae to follow you. I couldn’t allow you to wander among the mortals without some safe guards. But you had to have things your way, like always.” Nyx shook her head in disgust. “Falling in love with one of them, enticing your sister to make you forget who you were so you could be with him. What were you thinking?”

“And you”, Nyx turned toward Lethe, “giving her false memories, leaving all that power unattended. You’re as big of a fool as she is.”

Nyx stood and began to pace the room, leaving the girls anchored to the couch.

“Having children? What did you think would happen? When the others found out about them they had to do something, anything, to prevent them from growing into their godheads.” Nyx was once again angry. “That was the first time I actually messed in the matters of mortals, only to find out they weren’t mortal at all. Not even half.”

Lisa was stunned. Godheads? Her children weren’t mortal; they were gods? They couldn’t be, Titus was human. Wasn’t he?

Nyx spun around, darkness seeping from her.

“No, HE IS NOT MORTAL.” Nyx yelled, able to hear their very thoughts. Lisa had never heard her grandmother yell before and now her ears bleed from the sound. “He is Prometheus! Even he is unaware. Only I, and your uncle, know his true nature. He had to be hidden from that conniving bastard Zeus, so your sister kindly wiped his memory as well. Good job, by the way Lethe.”

Nyx took a deep breath attempting to calm herself. Nothing good ever happened when she was upset and she hadn’t been this upset in eons. While Nyx was calming herself, Lisa glanced at Lethe. Her sister managed to look terrified, guilty and smug all at the same time. Good thing Nyx had anchored them where they were, otherwise Lisa would tear that smugness from Lethe’s face.

“Prometheus and you had three children, Aite, even though you are only aware of two. You are unaware of your daughter, Peitho. That bastard Zeus conspired with Satan to take your child and leave Lucifer in her place. I consider Lucifer to be your child, even though he is not from our direct line, he is the grandchild of my sister, Gaia, he is the child of your body.” Nyx began to look old and sad. Knowing she was causing her granddaughter such pain caused Nyx to age before their eyes.

With a wave of her hand, she released the sisters. Nyx was surprised when Lisa sprang from the couch and threw her arms about her. Squeezing her grandmother tightly, Lisa kept whispering, “They’re alive, they’re all alive.”


  1. I am acreaming on the inside!!!!! Love it and You are doing a fantasmic job with this story!!

  2. Bab this story is great keep up the good work are you going to publish this some one should take it
