What is up with the weather???
I mean seriously, we go from –7 to 41 degrees F in less than 48 hours, then it’s rain, snow, rain, sleet, ice, rain…..wtf??
I am seriously debating the Cancun thing. I think a big move would be a good thing right now, I’m just afraid that if I move to Cancun I’ll bring this shitty weather with me.
Or worse, I’d bring the lying, back-stabbing, gossiping twits with me!! What a horrible thing to do to a wonderful place!! I can see it now, the obscenely overweight gossiping assholes walking around in bikini tops and thongs, making tourist from all over the world puke in their Mia-tai’s.
It’s amazing how a little bit of bad weather brings out the worse in the idiots. It’s bad enough when it’s decent enough outside that you can go somewhere they are NOT, but when the weather is horrible, like it is now, with the snow and ice and more ice and freezing rain and did I say ice, the idiots go on rampages that would put most Huns to shame!
Bitch, bitch, scream, scream, whine, whine and bitch some more.
How about accepting the fact that it is January and it will be BAD WEATHER and we will have ICE and SNOW?? Damn, what a fucking novel idea!!!!!
You would think these people didn't realize that we live in the part of the country that gets winter three to four months of the year. But, NOOOOOO, NOT US!!
All you have to do is look at the weather map to realize that there are places that are getting MUCH worse weather than we are. There are places that won’t have heat or electricity for days if not weeks. So what if there is some freezing rain, not enough to break our power lines, but enough to make the road slick. Does it mean that the world is ending??
No, it simply means it is the middle of winter.
People need to get a grip!!
If it were something that you or someone else had done, okay, feel free to bitch. But this is NOT a man made problem. It’s normal shit for this time of year!!!
Yes, it’s cold, so put on some extra clothes and when you go to bed put on an extra blanket or two.
Yes, it’s icy out, don’t go outside unless you have to.
Yes, we are going to get a little bit more snow, once again, stay inside.
But, I guess once you realize that these are the same people that are incapable of EVER being happy about ANYTHING, then you understand why they have to bitch about the weather.
I do it too, when it’s cold enough to freeze my lips together, especially when it’s cold enough to freeze ALL of them!!
But, and for only three letters that is one big ass word, I realize that there is no sense in bitching and complaining about for DAYS!!!
The same way as there is no sense in bitching and complaining when it gets dark out, duh, it does that.
Anyway, here it is five thirty in the morning and I’m already fed up with people bitching about shit that none of us can control. That is the reason the television is off, the radio is off, and, as soon as I post this, the fucking computer will be off too. I will put my headphones on and listen to some calm, soothing music and (hopefully) get some very much needed sleep!!
Unless someone wants to bitch about that too!
LOL Good one! I hope all your lips stay warm.
ReplyDeleteLOve you gurl! You hit the nail right on the head!