Thursday, January 22, 2015

Being sung into the world…..

So, the last several weeks I have been so ill that I can  honestly say there are several days I do not remember.  Apparently I had several conversation with people (although you can’t prove it by me) and told them that “I don’t know what I’m saying” and promptly got off the phone.

This flu is a killer, hundreds have died nationwide from it.  Thankfully, I am slowly but surely coming back from it.

Other than feeling like something the dog barfed up, this flu has totally fucked up my plans!!

You see, I have a new grandbaby, another little boy to add to the great circle of boy children in our family.  I had planned on going to Columbus when he was on his way and being there to see him into the family.

Didn’t work that way.  This “fuck-you flu” decided that I wasn’t going anywhere to see anyone into anything.  I laid here on the couch and wished I were someone else the entire time my grandson wiggled his way out.

Thankfully we have internet!!  My son, who is somewhat tech savvy, posted blow by blow of the beginning of labor right through to the last hour or two.  He then let us all know that little Liam was here, safe and sound, with his ten long slender “guitar player” fingers and ten short pudgy toes!  It wasn’t the same as being there, but it was still good.

My ex husband has already held Liam.  He was right there at the hospital and hung out with my son and Ashley and got to look little Liam in the eye and tell him that Pawpaw loved him.  I envy him that. 

I sit here, flu ridden and miserable, wishing I could safely hold my grandson and tell him Nana loves him too.
Oh well.

Will, little Liam’s daddy, is my youngest son.  He has always been the “sensitive” one of the bunch, even more so than the girls.  It’s his quirk and we accepted it long, long ago.  Being sentimental helps him to be such an amazing singer/songwriter and it makes his guitar playing all that more emotional!!  

Being sentimental also causes him to do some of the most amazing things ever!!  As Ashley lay in bed, deep in labor, and little Liam was restless and making things that much worse, Will sat down and sang to his wife and child.  He did this spontaneously and unscripted.  His performance brought tears to the eyes of the hospital staff and many of the people who watched via Facebook.   His love and devotion touched our hearts.  Singing to his wife and son, Will managed to calm both of them down and make things a little easier for a little while.

Knowing that one song helped, Will decided to sing yet another song, this one an original called Liam's Song.  Momma and baby loved it!!  Of course, having a song written for you before you are ever born is something you would have to love!!

Little Liam is lucky to be born into such a loving and talented family!!!  Can't wait to meet the little dude!!

Well, I've done about all I can do right now, I'm still fighting the good fight, although at the second it feels as though the flu is winning.  I'll be back whenever I can!!  I miss all y'all!!!  LOL

Love y'all!!

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