Friday, October 14, 2011

GOSSIP and other sins of ignorant people......

Merriam-Webster defines gossip as:

1: a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
2: rumor or report of an intimate nature
a chatty talk
the subject matter of gossip defines gossip as:

1. idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others: the endless gossip about Hollywood stars.
light, familiar talk or writing.
3. Also, gos·sip·er, gos·sip·per. a person given to tattling or idle talk.

The Free Dictionary defines gossip as:

1. casual and idle chat to have a gossip with a friend
2. a conversation involving malicious chatter or rumors about other people a gossip about the neighbors
3. Also called gossip-monger a person who habitually talks about others, esp maliciously
4. light easy communication to write a letter full of gossip

I define gossip as:

Bullshit people say about others because their own lives are so damn boring that they have to have something to talk about!!

So, if you haven't already figured it out, I am sick and tired of hearing the bullshit rumors, some of which are about me, that are flying around this wonderful (yes, that's sarcasm) county of ours.

Do you people NOT have something more interesting to do than try and make up stories about others???

If you're going to make up something, at the very least you could PLEASE make up something that an intelligent person would do. Now, I realize that for the gossiping idiots around here it would be a difficult task to come up with something an intelligent person would have to be an intelligent person in order to know what another intelligent person would do, so most of the gossips around here are left out of the loop!


I have friends, BOTH male and female friends! I go places with them, I talk to them on the phone and on the computer....hell I even hang out with some of them on a regular basis!! DOESN'T MEAN I'M SCREWING THEM!!! It means I enjoy their company, it means we have things in common, it means I LIKE THEM!!

What is also means is that I PITY the idiots that have to make more of it than what it is! GET A LIFE!! You may just find out that there are people out there that YOU like and that like YOU!! You may just find people to hang out with, to talk to, to enjoy being around.....DOES THAT MEAN YOU'LL BE SCREWING THEM??? NO, IT DOES NOT!!!

I know that I shouldn't let it bother me, I realize that other peoples small minds actually have nothing what so ever to do with me....but it still hurts. If these people, the ones that are running their mouths, knew me at all, they would realize what their idle gossip is doing.

The definitions that were left out of all the dictionaries I went to is the following:

1. a vile attempt to cause another to think less of themselves than they should.
2. the spreading of rumors that cause more damage to those that believe them than they do the the subject of the rumors.

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