Monday, February 17, 2014

Holiness, snakes and dying

"Pastor" Jamie Coots of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Middlesboro KY has died. He was bitten by a rattle snake during a Church service on Saturday night, and, as per his religion, he refused medical attention.  He died mere hours after the EMS team BEGGED him to go to the hospital.  He was the "pastor" of a Holiness church in KY, by Holiness, I mean a snake handling, poison drinking, jumpin' and hollerin' church.  Now, as someone who was raised in the midst of this type of religion, and who has, on more occasions than I can to recall, be in a church that believes in snake handling, I find that I have mixed emotions when I hear this news.

For those of you who don’t know, Jamie Coots appeared on a reality show called Snake Salvation on the Netgeo channel.  He had already been bitten twice, and had lost most of his middle finger (which rotted, yeah, ROTTED off) because of a snake bite.  He never sought medical attention for any of the bites he received during Church services.

I can understand WHY they believe as they do, because of a literal interpretation of the words in Mark 16: 17-18, which says (KJV) "(17) And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; (18) They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

That simple passage is what their belief in snake handling and poison drinking is based on.

Growing up not far from a Holiness church, and attending services more than I care to remember, I realize that many of the people that attended these services when I was a child did not know how to read.  Most of them were from coal mine families where simply surviving was much more important than receiving an education.  There is no shame in that, particularly when you realize that I was a child in the 60’s.   Most of these people didn’t read the Bible, they took the Preacher’s word for what it said and what it meant.   The prejudices that were held by the Preacher were usually held by the members of the Church simply because they DID NOT KNOW BETTER.

But does that make it right?

Now, before many of you start flipping out on me, I will NEVER say that the Bible is wrong.  I WILL say that the Creator gave us a very rare gift, and it is called COMMON SENSE.  He gave it to us to USE and common sense tells us DO NOT PICK UP A RATTLE SNAKE AND RUB IT ON YOUR FACE!! 
Many Churches today still believe in speaking in tongues and laying on hands.  Many of them anoint an ill person with oil and “lift them up in prayer”.  Most of them believe that a person can be inhabited by the “spirit” of evil.  ALL of them do wondrous, positive things for uncountable thousands.  Churches aren’t all bad, not by a long shot. 

But places like the Full Gospel Tabernacle in KY and the Westboro Baptist Church in KS, well, they leave me with a feeling far removed from FAITH. They leave me with fear and confusion.

Westboro is quite simply a large group of bigots and neo-Nazis who enjoy hurting those around them.  They gather in the name of “God” to tear down, belittle and emotionally damage people around them.  They are all the things I believe a Church should NOT be.  No-one should teach HATE in the name of GOD.

Now, the Full Gospel tabernacle, that’s a different story.  I am sure that the Full Gospel Tabernacle did many positive things for its members and most probably for its community, I don’t believe that they are a positive force in the grand scheme of things.

Like I said, I have been to a snake handling service (don’t ask) and I have felt the maniacal glee that surrounds the believers, it’s a feeling that is indescribable. They have so much faith, so much passion for what they are doing that it literally fills the room.

But so do serial killers.

I’ve never attended anything having to do with the Westboro bunch, nor would I ever.  They seem to be a large collection of hateful people bent on the destruction of anyone who dares NOT believe as they do.  They have driven more people AWAY from the Church than they have ever brought to it.  (The same can be said of the Holiness Churches, I’m a prime example)

I guess it comes down to something very simple for me.  Today, when I heard the news of Jamie Coots death, I was sad for his family and for those you loved him.  I wasn’t surprised that he died of a snake bite, I have known of others in this religion who have.  I wasn’t surprised that he refused medical attention, his faith told him that he would be safe if he simply believed and that if he sought medical attention that he would surely go to Hell.  A small part of me felt vindicated, as horrible as that sounds.  I have always known that handling snakes was a dumb thing to do and that, although God protects idiots and children, sooner or later you will get bitten.

But the thing that struck me the most was a simple memory from my childhood.

I had left a Church service where they brought out some snakes.  My Granny was upset with me and she asked me why I had left.  I told her something very simple that still to this day holds true.  I said, “There is a thin line between faith and stupidity.  Handling snakes crosses that line.”

Was Jamie Coots stupid?  Or was it simply his time to move on?

1 comment:

  1. as you say there is a fine line between faith and stupidity and I am not knocking NO ONES faith by no means, cause everyone has to believe in something, but Common sense tells us Don't play with poisonous snakes!! And I have to say this COMPLETELY falls on the side of stupidity!! Everyone as a designated time on this Earth and if you shorten it by doing stupid things, well this is the result!! Every good blog I would like to add!!
