Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Technology and other things meant to drive us insane........

I couldn’t find my phone today.  No, NOT my cell phone, my cordless house phone. To make it worse, it wasn’t ringing.  Now, under normal circumstances my phone NOT ringing is a blessing, not something that I would bitch about.

But, I have my caller ID so that it pops up on my television screen.  That way IF a number pops up (complete with name of course) and it’s someone I would rather NOT talk to, I don’t even bother trying to find the phone (which BTW is USUALLY on the charger where it belongs, not hiding somewhere in the house).  Anyway the damn ID was popping like some demented serial killer in an old high school during prom!  To make matters really worse, several of the calls were from people that I want to talk to.

So, I found the phone and TRIED to return one of the calls only to find that my phone wasn’t working!!  No dial tone!!  WTF??

Anyway, I proceeded to attach my headphone/microphone to my computer and return a call using Google talk.  After leaving a message telling them that it was me calling and not some strange person in California, I tried calling them back.  They STILL didn’t answer.  To make a long story short, it seems that some of us in the county are having phone problems.

I’m sure that some of you reading this are aware of what kind of month it has been here in Wild, Wonderful West Virginia.  For those of you that aren’t, here is a brief recap:

We experienced a storm from hell that wiped out power in almost the entire state.  Over 680,000 customers were without power, many of us for weeks.  I didn’t have power for 2 weeks, and when it came on it only stayed on for about a day and a half.  Since then it’s been a crap shoot as to whether or not there is power when I wake up.  Phone service has been spotty at best, insanely, horribly nonexistent at worse.  Internet comes and goes.  It’s a big fat pain in the ass.

During the electrical outage the average temp was around 100 degrees for the first week, and the second week was rife with thunderstorms and temps in the 90’s.  Fun, fun……

Anyway, NOW we’re under a severe thunderstorm warning with a flash flood warning.  The storm that tore through Illinois and left thousands without power/phone in Chicago is heading our way with a vengeance.  

All I can say is HERE WE GO AGAIN!!!

Now in case you missed it, I wrote a blog about things to do in West Virginia in the Summer without electric…..the thing you will do the most is SWEAT!!  With the humidity staying between 85 and 100% you have no choice but to SWEAT.  I’ll let you in on a secret, SWEATING MAKES ME ANGRY, especially when the most work I’m doing is breathing!!  I HATE to sweat when I’m not doing anything other than breathing!!  

*back on topic girl, back on topic*

So, where was I, oh yeah….the phone!!

So once I found the phone and took care of making my calls, I decided to listen to some music while I did some housework.  Usually this is a smooth operation involving turning on the stereo, finding my playlist on my laptop, plug in my wireless transmitter and hit play.  Sounds relatively easy, right?  Oh NO, NOT TODAY!

Today the laptop decided to have a major identity crisis and REFUSE to acknowledge the fact that some of my favorite music EVER resides on my playlist!!  Today it decided to tell me that those particular mp3s were NOT THERE!!  So, like one of Pavlov’s dogs, I went through my tricks hoping for a reward.  Checked the music folder for the songs…..yup, right there they are.  Checked that the player was set to play mp3s…….yup, sure is.  Tried to play songs on a different player…..yup they work.  Tired on RealPlayer again……SCREW YOU BITCH, I AIN’T PLAYING THOSE SONGS!!
Well, the easy fix would be to play them in windows media player, right??  NO, windows media player sucks!!  So I decided to play the original cd’s on the stereo……..right up until the moment the stereo decided that it didn’t want to play ANY cd’s today or apparently EVER again.

So here I sit, listening to the fan run and the neighbor mow his grass.  No music is gracing my ears because I’m to the point of making sure my laptop and stereo get HAMMERED today…..and NOT in the good, I’m drunk way!

It seems to me that while we advance in technology we are putting ourselves at risk for insanity!  Every new product that hits the market promises “ease of use” and usually ends up giving us a headache trying to read the manual or getting it to work.  Just as soon as we get used to one technology another one hits the market.  

Our alarms, telephones, televisions, computers, smart phones, mp3 players, dvd players, blue ray players, refrigerators and even our cars can all talk to us and tell us when the battery is going dead, when it’s time to get up, when our favorite program is on, when the oil is low, when to turn and when to defrost.  Pretty soon all of our gadgets will be able to operate themselves, our cars can already park themselves so it won’t be long before they will be driving without any assistance from us, it’s not that big of a step from planes flying on auto-pilot to flying themselves.

WE may soon be the next technology to become obsolete. The world will be filled with plastic gadgets telling stainless steel machines to produce even more plastic gadgets!!  Cars will come and go at will and refrigerators will keep whatever the hell they want fresh for weeks at a time.  Human beings will only be kept around to invent even more advanced gadgets to take care of the aging gadgets that are no longer useful.  


Before that happens I will go back to rotary phones with no caller id, call forward, three way calling (always sounded like something that would be really useful to a sex line business), speed dial, auto answer, special rings, voicemail or redial on busy feature.  I will dig out my old big picture tube, 13 channel, no remote, rabbit ear antenna using black and white tv.  I’m sure I have an AM radio in storage somewhere.  

I will go on a technology strike!!  

Except for my laptop and DSL of course.  I couldn’t get rid of them.  They help keep me entertained, the inform me of the weather in some country on the other side of the world with a name I can’t express.  They allow me to post stupid ranting on a blog that until recently no one knew existed!! THEY ALLOW ME TO TELL MY DEVIANTS THAT I LOVE THEM.  Yeah, the laptop/DSL will be my only nod to technology.  Without them I would go insane!!

Okay, you can stop shaking your head and mumbling “Go insane??  Sounds like you already are.”  Admit it, I have given a voice to the teeny, tiny little fear of technology that flits around the edges of your mind every time you see some new gadget that you just HAVE to have.  You know I’m not insane, I’m prophetically insightful, intelligently humorous, delightfully demented!!  But NOT insane!!  

I’m going to go see if I can talk my vacuum into working…….maybe someday they’ll invent one that runs when needed without assistance from a human……..it would be useful in helping clean up the little slivers of plastic that seem to magically appear every time I’m angry at my cd player/phone/ereader/tv…etc, etc, etc

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