I have a cat…….. I think. I say that I think because I’m not real sure what this four legged creature actually is.
It looks like a cat, it has four legs, a long tail, whiskers and large round eyes. It meows….well, sort of meows, makes a squeaking noise anyway. It chases the laser light…..but so do my dogs. It plays with balls…..then again, so do the dogs.
It sleeps on the back of the chair!! (ignore the mess in the background, I’ve been lazy over the holidays)
It curls up on my lap in the mornings and makes a noise that sounds like an old GMC motor. It washes itself…..it shits in a box…..must be a cat, right??
It wears clothes!!
Sometimes it just wears a hat….
AND it does so willingly (even though it looks like an elderly Polish woman to me)
It sleeps with the dogs…..it actually refuses to sleep through the night unless it’s with Reedus…..
It believes it is a dog!! It torments the dogs, chases them through the house, tackles them at every opportunity…..even going to the point of insisting to be with them when it’s dog snuggle time…..
It washes out Reedus’ ears and licks his face before going to sleep…..
And it conspires with the other fur demons in order to make it impossible for me to sit on my own furniture….
Even to the point of instigating them to EACH take a chair….. and by taking a chair I DO mean taking up the entire chair…..
It refuses to eat cat food or even cat treats!!!! It eats DOG FOOD and any item it can beg from a poor unfortunate human that is eating in its presence.
It insists on being in EVERY photo it realizes you are taking….
AND it goes outside on a tie out!! YES, it loves to be tied outside on the lead.
He is the reason none of the rugs in my house stay in place……
Notice that Reedus is looking at me like “Do you see what it is doing?? Do ya??
Speaking of Reedus……it is also the reason that Reedus needs intense therapy and nerve meds.
It is also the reason the dog toys are ALWAYS all over the floor!!
Like I said, I have a cat……..I think.
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